Plan Features
The perfect plan to start out your online existence within a strict budget. Kickstart your small–scale portfolio webpage, family photo gallery or private blog immediately using the 1–click Web Apps Installer. An absolutely free domain name is included. And so is a simple to use Control Panel.
Test our services with a 30 days free trial. No credit card information required.
Start Free TrialWebsite Installer
Start your own websites with just a mouse click
Setting up your sites is as easy as 1–2–3 with the fast, single–click Site Installer Application. Absolutely no configuration is involved, absolutely no web design skills are necessary at all. Simply specify the type of web site that you want – personal or business, and a website template of your liking. After that click the Install button and your new website will be online right away. Go to the Website Installer in the JR Hosting - Web Services Control Panel.
Free Templates
More than 100 free–of–cost WordPress and Joomla™ web skins to choose from
It is possible to download a brand new Wordpress or Joomla™ theme with a simple click of the mouse from the Control Panel. You don’t need to go to 3rd–party sites for high–quality web site templates. We have a wide collection for you readily incorporated into your hosting account. All you need to do is select the site theme of your choosing and then click the Download button. All web site layouts are totally free for you.
24x7 Support
Contact us around the clock
You can contact us twenty–four–seven with any questions that you might have concerning our cloud hosting solutions. You can contact us via email and via the ticket system and we will reply back to you in up to 1 hour. In fact, our average response time is less than 20 minutes. Also, you can give us a ring or use the live support service during work hours.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
A riskless hosting service. You will receive a full refund in case you are unhappy
If, for some reason, you are not truly satisfied with our cloud hosting service or with our support service, you will be able to make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee. All you have to do is send a refund request using our ticket system and our sales representatives will handle it. Don’t forget that domain name registrations are final and nonrefundable.
Web Stats
Hosting Control Panel–integrated site stats
From your Control Panel, you’ll be able to both control and monitor your websites. Every cloud hosting pack includes a selection of web statistics tools, which you can find in the Online Statistics Manager section of the Control Panel. You’ll be able to use the popular Webalizer and AWStats software tools or make use of our freshly designed precise statistics software tool, which includes a useful web analytics graphical user interface. With JR Hosting - Web Services, you will see comprehensive info pertaining to your site’s traffic and visitors directly within your Control Panel.
Data Backups
Lost your website content? Turn to our data backup solution
When published on the World Wide Web, your website content is generally susceptible to hack attacks. It may be affected even by your very own accidental actions. Choose us and, there’s nothing to worry about, since we always have a backup copy of your web site content, which can restored any time you’d like. In addition, you’ll be able to make manual back–up copies of your entire website with a simple mouse click through your File Manager, which is located in the Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all of your files and will copy them into a ZIP file, which will be stored in your hosting account.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
At JR Hosting - Web Services, we take pride in having a true cloud hosting platform – each service is taken care of by an autonomous physical machine, which implies that all your websites will always load fast even if the system is under stress. This cloud web hosting platform was developed entirely by us with balance and scalability in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9 percent uptime guarantee.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our plans is put together for you at no cost. 30 day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 30 min reply time frame.
Compare our prices
- Have a quick look at the instruments and attributes made available from every one of our hosting plans. You could begin with a cheaper plan and upgrade with simply a click of the mouse as your site grows.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We’re available for you in business hours to answer all inquiries in relation to JR Hosting - Web Services’s cloud web hosting service.