A sitemap is a special file which includes a list of all the pages on a certain Internet site. It enables both visitors and search engines to find content faster and easier, so it will boost the success of every website. When visitors are interested in a certain web page, the sitemap will help them to discover it and the improved user experience raises the possibility for them to come back to this website eventually or to recommend it to other people. Search engines also search for a sitemap on every single Internet site they crawl since such a file enables them to index the content better and to track changes on various web pages which will later be displayed in the search results, thus a sitemap can boost the ranking of a particular site. Since the total number of websites keeps rising on a daily basis, having a sitemap is vital if you would like your Internet site to be more popular.
SiteMap Generator in Cloud Hosting
If you would like to have a sitemap, however, you do not have much experience with Internet sites as a whole, you will be able to use the sitemap generator that we offer with our cloud hosting packages. As part of the Hepsia Control Panel, the tool shares the same basic and intuitive user interface, so it will take you a couple of clicks to create a comprehensive sitemap that will be search engine friendly. The generator permits you to choose the highest number of links the sitemap has to include as well as how many levels down the pages these links should go. You can also select what kind of file extensions to be included, so in case you offer specific website content for example music, e-books or some documents, you could type their extensions before you generate the sitemap and our software tool will include them in addition to the standard webpages.
SiteMap Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Since our semi-dedicated hosting plans come with a sitemap generator built into the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with the accounts, you will be able to generate a sitemap for each domain or subdomain hosted inside a semi-dedicated account with only a few clicks. The software instrument is really simple to use and even if you don't have previous experience with websites, you can make a sitemap and get all the advantages that this type of a file will give your Internet site. You will find a couple of customizable options - the depth, or the number of links the instrument should follow through the web pages, the maximum amount of links that have to be followed and included, as well as the file types that have to be indexed. The last mentioned option is quite handy if your site includes custom content and not just standard webpages with text and images, like downloadable items and script files with specific extensions.
SiteMap Generator in VPS Web Hosting
In case you go for a virtual private server provided with the Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to take advantage of our tailor-made sitemap generator. The tool is really easy to use and generates an XML file which is search engine friendly, so all of your content will be indexed properly. The interface is quite simple and with just a click you can choose the depth of the links which ought to be included, their amount, and the file types which need to be included in the sitemap. The last option is useful if you would like only particular content to be present in the sitemap as you will be able to add and remove file extensions. As an illustration, you could add .doc and .pdf files and remove .php files, so the sitemap will point out the path to documents and not to standard website pages. The generator enables you to pick any domain or subdomain hosted on your VPS using a simple drop-down menu, therefore every sitemap will be created right where you need it.
SiteMap Generator in Dedicated Servers Hosting
All our dedicated servers which provide the Hepsia hosting Control Panel include a built-in sitemap generator. The instrument is very simple to use and the sitemap file it creates is in the XML format which is search engine friendly, so your website content will be picked up quickly by search engines. The interface will allow you to pick the total number of links which the tool should follow through your site and also how many levels down the web pages these links need to be followed. As an additional option, you can also select what file extensions have to be included or left out by the generator, so that you can control what content will be visible on your sitemap. This attribute will enable you to stress on selected website content that you would like your visitors to discover easily instead of discovering a large number of ordinary web pages.