In case you have never had a web hosting account or you have switched companies and the new one uses an account administration console that you have not seen so far, you may become bewildered about how to carry out a certain task in your account or on your desktop computer. That is the reason why, some web hosts have set up a knowledge base, which outlines the most common queries and issues connected with the particular platform they use, rather than including only general information. Such a knowledge base will help you find the desired info quickly and easily, so you won’t have to devote loads of time and energy to issues that may require something as simple as clicking on a button or selecting a checkbox. In this way, not only can you get things done, but you can also learn many new and valuable things, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service works in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting
If you have purchased your very first cloud hosting account through our company or have migrated your site over to us, you will grow accustomed to our services and our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel before you know it as we have compiled an extensive knowledge base where you can find all the info that you will ever need – both general info regarding the service as a whole and more concrete info about the separate functions that you can make use of and the issues that you may stumble upon. The articles are located in 2 places. The complete article archive is accessible through the Help section of the Control Panel. You can find articles that are dedicated to the different functions in every Control Panel section too. You can become aware of how to accomplish pretty much everything, from creating an .htaccess config file to managing a mailing list, and all the articles include comprehensive guidelines, so you’ll never become disoriented due to an unclear text. Surely, in case you have a more specific problem and you are unable to find an adequate solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our technical support staff 24x7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our company’s semi-dedicated servers include a rich article repository where you can find any info that you might need about our hosting services or about the Hepsia Control Panel that we’re using. We have prepared it on the basis of the feedback that we have gathered from our clients through the years and, as a consequence, our articles touch upon particular issues that you might chance upon and include the most effective means of recovering them, for example getting a 500 Internal Server Error message or being unable to send e-mails from your computer although you have the correct settings. The articles are available in each and every Control Panel section and you can examine them at any time. They can help you boost your knowledge not only about our platform, but also about the web hosting service as a whole, as they offer step-by-step guidelines and general information such as what file permissions or cron jobs are.